Dog bites – Risk Factors, Behaviour & Management Strategies

Have you ever wondered what some of the most common risk factors for dog bites are? Perhaps you have a dog with a bite history and are looking at ways to prevent future bites? Maybe a friend or family member is struggling with this, or perhaps you’re just curious? In this presentation, I go over …

What influences canine behaviour?

Have you ever wondered why dogs do what they do? What variables influence behaviour? Why do some dogs chase cars, and others walk past them without issues in a busy urban environment? In this short presentation, Sarah will be discussing some of those variables and broaden your understanding of dog behaviour Reference List

What Is A Reactive Dog?

Have you ever wondered what exactly a reactive dog is? Perhaps you have wondered what underlies a dog’s reactivity and the common causes? Or maybe you’re living with a reactive dog and feeling frustrated and unsure how best to train your dog to be less reactive? In this 20 minute webinar, I’ll be explaining what …